Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monday, February 14 (Happy Valentine's Day!)


  1. Do Now: Quiz #20, Unit 3
  2. Review Quiz #20, Unit 3
  3. Homework Reminder: First 5 source cards or annotated bibliography entries due tomorrow
  1. New Prefix List #21: ir, inter, intra, macro, mal, meta, mono
  2. Unit 4 (
  3. 10 Question/Answer sheet due in-class tomorrow
Tuesday, February 15
  1. Do Now: Use questions to write thesis statements
  2. Thesis statement writing mini-lesson
  3. Group review of thesis statements
  4. Outline writing mini-lesson
  5. Brainstorm subtopics
  6. Research/outlining
  1. Select thesis statement
  2. Preliminary outline/bibliography (minimum 10 sources) due Thursday in-class
Thursday, February 16
  1. Do Now: assign quotes to outline
  2. Mini-Lesson: expanded outline
  3. Individual activities: continue research, expand outlines
  1. Finish expanded outline (at least 3 quotes used)
  2. Study for Quiz #21, Unit 4
***Make sure to check the links to the left for updates. As I find helpful web sources, links will be placed there.***

SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE NOTE: Due to my inability to update the website during week ending 2/11, the due-date for the Reading Strategy assignment is extended until FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 AT 2:15 PM.