Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week Ending May 6

Monday, May 2
  1. Do Now: Writing warm-up Question
  2. Then: Review of Workshop schedule and important dates
  3. After: Reminder that Quiz #28/Vocab 11 will be tomorrow
  1. Suffix List #28: ess, et/ette, fic, ful, fy, hood, ic
  2. Fahrenheit 451 activity due by Thursday in class (you have a two-day reprieve)
  3. Continue working on Short Story
Tuesday, May 3
  1. Do Now: Quiz #28, Vocab 11
  2. Then: Short Story Element Worksheet
  3. After: Writing Workshop (Use the remainder to continue writing your story)
  1. Finish Fahrenheit 451 activity (due Thursday AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS)
  2. Continue writing short story
Thursday, May 5
  1. Do Now: Writing warm-up with Daybook
  2. Then: Editing/Writing Workshop
  3. After: Portfolio Review
  1. Independent Reading due next week
  2. Short Story rough draft due next week
  3. Begin gathering materials for the portfolio- see the checklist here