Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week Ending 10/28

Monday, October 24
  1. Do Now: Roots Quiz #10
  2. Then: HSA Preview
  3. After: Quiz #9 Review
Wednesday, October 26
  1. Continue Independent Reading
  2. (if needed) Bring Word Wall card to class on Friday
  3. Be prepared for Part II of HSA
Friday, October 28
  1. Complete Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in your Online Pearson textbook
  2. Choose Culminating Activity Option (if you are in a group, make sure all of the members are committed!)
  3. Study for Roots Quiz #11: ortho, osteo, pan, pater/patr, path/pathy, pedo, phil
  4. Continue Independent Reading (if you haven't made your rubric for the Creative Option yet, see the previous post or click here for the template)