- Please take the poll on the left. Based on the responses, I may decide to include your compare/contrast essay in the second quarter grade. Please make sure to complete the essay before school begins in January. The essay will be due upon return on Wednesday, January 4. If you misplaced the requirements, here's another copy.
- Sign-up for independent reading using the link at the top of the page. Thank you to those of you who've been doing this all year! This quarter's independent reading must be chosen from the College Board's recommended list, here. The link is also available on the left of the page under 'Important Links.'
- Once you choose your book, complete the survey located here.
The 10th Grade Honors English class differs from the Regular Ed. Class in its instructional methodology. Different content will be used in some places, additional content in others, and instructional practices will be more student-driven. This Honors class is designed to prepare students to be more responsible for their own learning and the learning of others. In other words: Buckle-up!