Monday, January 30, 2012

Week Ending 2/3

Attention!  There may be a pop-test on MLA and Research Techniques this week!

Monday, January 30
  1. Meeting in the Library with Mrs. Arcas for review of Search Methodology
  • Review the calendar for due dates
  • Continue working on Independent Reading
Wednesday, February 1
  1. Do Now: Personal Log
  2. Next: Quiz #19
  3. Then: Introduce the outline (written in the packet)
  4. After: Review Interview format and develop questions
  5. Next: time to work on Annotated Bibliography entry from print resource
  • Continue working on Annotated Bibliography (I will be checking for at least 5 sources this week)
  • Begin GoogleDoc Outline (first outline is the one written in your packet which you will transfer to the electronic GoogleDoc on your own)
  • Continue Independent Reading due in three weeks
Friday, February 3
  1. Do Now: Personal Log
  2. Next: Check outlines
  3. Then: Creating the Works Cited
  4. After: Review Drafting requirements (Each draft of your paper should be a separate file in your GoogleDocs account)