Sunday, April 3, 2011

Monday, April 4

  1. Do Now: Learning Framework
  2. Group Share-out: finish group activity on Montag's 'foils'
  3. Preview of short story terms and their impact on the story in F451
  4. 'Conflict' activity
  1. Study list #24: trans, tri, ultra, un, under, uni, vice
  2. Finish reading "Burning Bright" and/or begin reading "Coda" in F451
  3. Listen to the first 10 min. 27 sec. from the NCTE 'Big Read' to gain insight into Bradbury's writing of the novel. While/after listening to the novel, write a short journal response expressing how you feel the excerpt affects your opinion of the story. Please title it 'Radio Show Journal Response', and make sure your name, my name, period, and date appear at the top-left corner. No need to type, but my eyes will be appreciative if you do.