Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thursday, March 31

  1. Do Now: Quiz #23, Unit 6
  2. Next: Small Group discussion on Montag's foils
  3. Short Presentation on foils
  4. Review of writing ex. for hw
  5. Review of reading for hw (read at least to page 165)
  1. Writing Question: Why are each of the characters- Mildred, Clarisse, Faber, and Beatty- foils for/of Montag? Using constructed response format for each character, answer the question.  Please include your name, my name, class and date on the top-left corner.  The title will be the question above, and the paper  should be typed, double-spaced and 12 pt font.  The entire response should be 2-3 pages typed- no more, no less.
  2. Study Prefix List 24: trans, tri, ultra, un, under, uni, vice and Vocab Unit 7 (
  3. Finish reading to page 165- we will be reading the 'Afterword' and 'Coda', so don't stop at the end of the story!  Please feel free to read ahead...
***ATTENTION- since we didn't have time to finish in class, click here for some additional help with the writing.