- Do Now: Quiz #23, Unit 6
- Next: Small Group discussion on Montag's foils
- Short Presentation on foils
- Review of writing ex. for hw
- Review of reading for hw (read at least to page 165)
- Writing Question: Why are each of the characters- Mildred, Clarisse, Faber, and Beatty- foils for/of Montag? Using constructed response format for each character, answer the question. Please include your name, my name, class and date on the top-left corner. The title will be the question above, and the paper should be typed, double-spaced and 12 pt font. The entire response should be 2-3 pages typed- no more, no less.
- Study Prefix List 24: trans, tri, ultra, un, under, uni, vice and Vocab Unit 7 (
- Finish reading to page 165- we will be reading the 'Afterword' and 'Coda', so don't stop at the end of the story! Please feel free to read ahead...