Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week Ending 11/18

Monday, November 14
  1. Do Now: Roots Quiz #13:prim/prime, proto, psych, rupt, sacr/sanc/secr, salv/salu, sat/satis 
  2. Next: Review Results
  3. Reminder: Choose Shakespeare Presentation Option by next class
  1. Name, Period and Date at top-left
  2. Title: Defense of Caesar/Brutus
  3. Paragraph 1 introduces the topic and supporting ideas.
  4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 support your character
  5. Paragraph 4 admits a short-coming, then refutes it.
  6. Paragraph 5 concludes by reminding the reader why Caesar/Brutus should be defended.
Wednesday, November 16
  1. Do Now: Personal Log Discussing Mark Antony's actions
  2. Then: Begin writing proposals
  3. After: view climax of Julius Caesar (Either HBO or BBC version)
  4. Next: Discuss Act IV/V
  5. Then: Questions about project
  • Finish reading Act V
  • Finish essay defending Brutus or Caesar (see directions above)
  • Continue working on independent reading
Friday, November 18
  1. Do Now: Personal Log about Caesar's ghost
  2. Then: Begin Writing Outline
  3. After: Watch  Julius Caesar Act V (BBC version)
  4. Next: Discussion about Act V/Questions about presentation
  5. Then: Reminder about upcoming due dates