Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Week Ending 11/23

Monday, November 21
  1. Finish Presentation Outline for Wednesday
  2. Presentations begin October 28
  3. Independent Reading assignment due by December 9 (Remember: everyone will be doing the Creative Option, which requires that you create your own rubric to turn-in with the project.  Here is a sample generic rubric.)
Wednesday, November 23
  • Do Now: Personal Log
  • Then: Watch The Kalends of February episode of HBO's Rome
  • After: Reflection the difference between the show and the play
  • Reminder: Presentations begin next week
  1. Shakespeare Presentation's begin Monday, November 28
  2. Independent Reading due by December 9 (Creative Option only)
  3. Learning Logs for Julius Caesar are due by next Friday, December 2