- (Senior Project Practice Presentations)
- Do Now: Quiz #18: ultima, uni, vac, vert/vers, vict, viva/vivi/vita, voc
- Then: Finish Mini Project Annotated Bibliography (due by the end of class)
- After: Review Genetics Project Packet
- Next: Choose Research Topics (view the list here)
- Begin Presearch of Genetics Topic
- Continue Independent Reading- remember that it is due at the end of week 7!
- If you have younger siblings, please remind your parents that KKHS teachers and students will be at Kalama Intermediate School from 6-8 pm tonight to answer questions about incoming Freshman student expectations.
Friday, January 20
- (Senior Project Practice Presentations)
- Do Now: Research Reflection
- Then: Continue Presearching Genetics Topics
- After: begin developing Preliminary Subtopic Ideas
- Study For Quiz #18 on Monday: a/an, ab/abs, acro, ambi/amd, amphi, ante, anti
- Sophomore, Unit 10: Learning Definitions (remember that this will be the source of our bonus question)
- Continue Presearching your topic. An annotated bibliography with at least 3 electronic sources, along with a list of 4 possible subtopics will be due on Monday.
- Continue Independent Reading