Monday, January 16, 2012

Week Ending January 20

Wednesday, January 18


  1. Begin Presearch of Genetics Topic
  2. Continue Independent Reading- remember that it is due at the end of week 7!
  3. If you have younger siblings, please remind your parents that KKHS teachers and students will be at Kalama Intermediate School from 6-8 pm tonight to answer questions about incoming Freshman student expectations.

Friday, January 20

  • (Senior Project Practice Presentations)
  • Do Now: Research Reflection
  • Then: Continue Presearching Genetics Topics
  • After: begin developing Preliminary Subtopic Ideas


  1. Study For Quiz #18 on Monday: a/an, ab/abs, acro, ambi/amd, amphi, ante, anti
  2. Sophomore, Unit 10: Learning Definitions (remember that this will be the source of our bonus question)
  3. Continue Presearching your topic.  An annotated bibliography with at least 3 electronic sources, along with a list of 4 possible subtopics will be due on Monday.
  4. Continue Independent Reading