Monday, July 30
- None
- None
- Review beginning of school paperwork and signatures
- Review Independent Reading expectations (click here for packet received in class)
- Review Weekly Roots List Requirements (click here for graphic organizer received in class)
- Review Goals and Expectations for the class
- Review Team Ho'olokahi Packet (click here to view/print)

- Signed paperwork (yes, it's for a grade)
- Complete roots graphic organizer for use in next class ('need help? Check out the root word search engine at
- Supplies needed for class: spiral bound or marble notebook, 3-ring binder, paper, pencil/pen, open mind and respectful demeanor
- Begin Summer Work completion assignment: Choose an Independent Reading task, excluding the creative option, for each of your summer books- DUE FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 by 2:15

- Icebreaker
- "Is it a good poem/song? Why?" Writing Assignment (may need to be continued at home...)
- Check signed paperwork
- Review Roots List #1: alli/alto/alter, am/amor, anni/annu/enni, anthrop, anti, arch, aud/aut
- Questions about Monday's Roots Quiz 1
- Study for Roots Quiz #1: alli/alto/alter, am/amor, anni/annu/enni, anthrop, anti, arch, aud/aut
- Choose Independent Reading book (fiction or biography)
- Sign-up for local Library Card
- Complete list of IDs and PWs for school (see list provided in class)
- Complete Summer Work completion assignment: Choose an Independent Reading task, excluding the creative option, for each of your summer books- DUE FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 by 2:15