Remember: Independent Reading due next Friday by 2:15!
Monday, August 20 Classwork
- Do Now: Quiz #3: cause/cuse/cus, ced/cede/ceed/cess, centri, chrom, chron, cide, cise
- Then: Review Quiz #2
- After: Format for classes over next two weeks: Tuesdays for group meetings and Thursdays for new material (subject to change)
- Bring all group materials to class
- Revise Object Poem and determine contest submission options (see me outside of class if you need ideas)
- Do Now: What is the use of working in groups to learn and teach something new? Argue your point by remembering to recognize the opposing point of view.
- Then: Break into groups to complete:
- Do Now (Pre-Assessment), Learning Activities (Agenda), Post Assessment
- HCCP Standards
- CCS Standards
- GLOs
- After: Designate responsibilities for completing a rough draft of the lesson plan by next class
- Complete rough-draft of lesson plan on GoogleDocs (make sure to share with all group members and me)
- Object Poem rewrite- consider marks and using some of the new poetic devices that your group is learning to exceed proficiency
- Select Students Only- writing component from Summer Work is due by THIS FRIDAY @ 2:15! Any work received after that time will be considered late and assessed-down one grade-level.
- Bring the printed lyrics from your 3 favorite songs to next class (please do not wait until lunch on the day-of to print)
- Do Now: Narrative vs. Lyric Poetry The Bridegroom, p.647, The Kraken p.745, In Flanders Fields p.738)
- Next: Picture-taking
- Then: Writing the Literary Analysis (p.768-770) note-taking session
- After: Analyzing The Kraken, In Flanders Fields or The Bridegroom for poetic effectiveness
- Alternate: Analyzing songs for poetic effectiveness
- Groups continue to revise rough draft of lesson plan due next Tuesday in class (printed copy)
- *New* Finish Analysis from class (name, date, period @ top-left; title of poem and page # centered; at least one each of the following- symbolism, imagery, figures of speech, tone and theme (theme should be one sentence that clearly states the theme)
- Analyze the lyrics from your three songs for poetic effectiveness (symbolism, imagery, figures of speech, tone and theme)
- Help: Use the online textbook, p. 768-770 for the prewriting strategies
- Study for Quiz #4: clude/clus/claus, cognosc/gnosci, cord/cor/cardi, crat/cracy, cred, cyclo/cycl, deca
-, Sophomore Unit 2: Parts of Speech