- Do Now: Roots Quiz #9: mania, mar/mari/mer, matri, medi, micro, mira, mor/mort
- Then: Grammar Review in Journal
- Reminder: New! Watch the video here to learn more about Option 5 for independent reading! You would need to complete 40 articles by November 30 for credit (no partial credit will be considered).
- Read Act I of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and summarize each scene (identify critical lines) for Thursday
- Continue Independent Reading (Sign-up at the top of the page if you have not done so)
- Continue thinking about which project option you prefer
- Do Now: Grammar Review in Journal (need TWiLA from last here if you need it)
- Then: Iambic Pentameter Workshop with Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 (p.687 in PH LIT)
- After: Picture Poem Activity Part 2- Creating the Shakespearean Sonnet
- Finish Reading Act I of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and summarize each scene (identify critical lines) for Thursday
Thursday, October 18
- Do Now: Journal Entry- Read 890-891 and create a timeline of Shakespeare's life in your journal
- Then: Shakespearean word-play (p. 894)
- Next: Significance of the Toga (p.899)
- After: Thought Questions: What does Cassius want Brutus to see? Why does Brutus suggest that thinking of himself as a "respectable nobleman" is dangerous? What political realities in Act I of the play still exist in politics today (be specific)? Does this suggest that the people are powerless to change their government (support your opinion)?
- Reminder: Class in the Gym next Tuesday for MAPA performance (Maui Academy for Performing Arts)
- Read Act II of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and summarize each scene (identify critical lines) for Thursday
- Continue Independent Reading (Remember: everyone is expected to complete Option 4 this quarter!)
-, Unit 5: Sentences
- Study for Quiz #10: mor/mort, morph, neur, nomen/nomin, numer, omni, onym