Sunday, October 21, 2012

Quarter 2, Week 3

Monday, October 22                                                
  1. Do Now: Quiz #10:  mor/mort, morph, neur, nomen/nomin, numer, omni, onym
  2. After: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar character introduction
  3. Then: Thinking about the debate: Brutus or Caesar
  • Picture Poem: Creating the Shakespearean Sonnet from your picture poem (click here to see Shakespeare's form in action)
    • Requirements for the Shakespearean Sonnet:
      • Typed
      • Heading (both names, period, date, 'Shakespearean Sonnet')
      • Title (centered, 'Picture #__)
      • 14 lines (4 stanzas)
      • 3 Quatrains
      • 1 Couplet
      • Rhyme Scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg
      • Includes at least 5 Shakespearean phrases (List A, List B, List C)
Tuesday, October 23                                                     
  1. Do Now: Journal Entry- Read 890-891 and create a timeline of Shakespeare's life in your journal
  2. Then: Word Wall Cards
  3. After: Thought Questions: What does Cassius want Brutus to see? Why does Brutus suggest that thinking of himself as a "respectable nobleman" is dangerous?  What political realities in Act I of the play still exist in politics today (be specific)?  Does this suggest that the people are powerless to change their government (support your opinion)?
  4. Reminder: Report to gym for Thursday's class
  • Finish reading Act II of Julius Caesar and summarizing each scene
  • Continue Independent Reading
Thursday, October 25 (REPORT TO GYM FOR CLASS TODAY!)
  1. MAPA presentation
  • Study for Quiz #11: ortho, osteo, pan, pater/patr, path/pathy, pedo, phil
  •, Unit 5: Parts of Speech
  • Begin Reading Act III of Julius Casesar and summarizing each scene
  • Shakespearean Sonnet due Monday in class
  • Choose Option for Shakespeare/Drama Presentation by Friday, November 2