Monday, January 21, 2013

Quarter 3, Week 4

Tuesday, January 22
  1. Do Now: KWL about parts of a research paper
  2. Then: Research topic choice (Students who are present will receive the OPPORTUNITY to get one of their top three choices from last class.  If non are available, students will be assigned a topic.  Any students who are NOT present will be assigned a topic.)
  3. After: group activity reviewing a sample research paper (return to KWL and complete 'learned' column)
  4. Next: Due dates on page 1 of the research paper packet
  5. Finish: proposal format and homework reminder
  • Continue presearching topic for proposal-writing next class.  See the heading format here:
    • Top-left:
      • Name
      • Teacher
      • Period
      • Date
        • Centered Title: Proposal for (insert your topic here)
First line should be indented.  Entire document is typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font.  The proposal itself should be one paragraph in length, explaining what your research paper will be about.  Presearch will be necessary to write a good proposal with specific language about your chosen genetic disorder.  You may view a sample by clicking here.
  • Take-home Quiz #18 due next Monday, January 28
Thursday, January 24
  1. Do Now: Grammar Review from TWiLA, Week 2
  2. Next: Thesis statement writing
  3. After: Proposal-writing workshop
  4. Finish: Create Annotated Bibliography document in GoogleDocs
  5. Looking Ahead:  Our plan is to provide research time and direction in the library during the next few weeks. Check the website often, so you know when to go to I-101 or to the KKHS Library during your class period.
  • Finish proposal by Monday (if not completed during class)
  • Continue independent reading due NEXT FRIDAY, February 1 by 2:15!
  • Continue presearching topic (if you have internet access at home, begin your Annotated Bibliography discussed in class)
  •, Unit 10: Antonyms
  • Study for Quiz #19: bene/bon, bi/bis/bin, cerebro, circ(um), contra/counter, de, deca