Sunday, January 27, 2013

Quarter 3, Week 5

Research Paper Date Change: 
Please change the final due-date for draft 1 to March 8-15.  To receive feedback BEFORE the spring recess, papers must be turned-in by March 8.  All others will be returned after the break.

Monday, January 28
  1. Do Now: Quiz #19: bene/bon, bi/bis/bin, cerebro, circ(um), contra/counter, de, deca
  2. Next: Review Research Paper Proposals
  3. After: Review Steps for creating a GoogleDrive Folder and Google Document
  4. Reminder: Presearch has turned to RESEARCH!  Begin keeping track of your information on an Annotated Bibliography (click here to see an example)
  • Find 1 source and add to Annotated Bibliography for next class (see sample here)
    • Remember the six questions to ask when researching each source:
      1. What is the topic? (How can you define it?)
      2. What groups or classes make up the topic?
      3. What are the topic's parts and how do they work together?
      4. How has the topic changed over time?
      5. How is the topic similar to or different from related topics?
      6. What are the topic's advantages or disadvantages?
  • Continue independent reading activity due Friday by 2:15 pm
Tuesday, January 29
  1. Do Now: Journal Response
  2. Next: Rewriting the thesis statement and identifying possible main points of the paper
  3. After: writing workshop
  • Finish page 2 of the packet by next class (3 versions of your thesis statement)
  • Finish independent reading by Friday @ 2:15 (Creative Option was only available if approved before week 3)
  • Continue researching your genetic disorder and tracking information on your Annotated Bibliography
Thursday, January 31
  1. Do Now: Journal Response
  2. Next: Annotated Bibliography check for understanding
  3. After: Using MLA Documentation to cite sources on the Annotated Bibliography