Sunday, March 31, 2013

Quarter 4, Week 2

Monday, April 1
  1. Do Now: Quiz #25: able/ible, ade, age, al, algia, an/ian, ance/ancy
  2. After: Quiz Review
  3. Then: Reminder about Big Read/Book of the Month activity due Friday (performance activities due Thursday)
  4. Next: Read/Review 'Quarterly Goals and Expectations'
  • Bring revised draft 2 of the Research Paper to class tomorrow/Wednesday (we will be editing them as a group using this slideshow)
  • Finish Big Read/BoM activities
  • Sign-up for next BoM activity and check-out book (official class check-out will be on Thursday)
Tuesday, April 2
  1. Do Now: Conduct peer-editing workshop
  2. Then: Introduce Literary Foils
  3. After: Groups identify Foils for Montag in Fahrenheit 451
  4. Journal: Read The Fifties handout and write about how you believe Bradbury's book is relevant to the military buildup that is happening today in the same region of the world.
  5. Reminder: Draft 3 of the Research Paper is due by Monday, April 8 (No other drafts are required, but a 4th will be offered as an optional enrichment activity)
  • 'Create a copy' in Google Drive of the new Draft 3, make revisions to the research paper, Print and turn-in by Monday, April 8.
  • Continue Book of the Month activity (Performance activities are due Thursday, April 4.  All others are due Friday, April 5 by 2:15.)
Thursday, April 4
  1. Do Now: Journal to address the question, "Why is characterization/character development important in a story?"
  2. Then: Discuss Bradbury's comparison of Montag to the mythical Icarus (read the myth here)
  3. After: Create Character Cards for a character from the book
  4. Next: Preview Short Story Activity (see link on side-bar)
  5. Journal: How could you use foils to enhance a character in a story of your own?  How do they develop that character both directly and indirectly?