Sunday, April 21, 2013

Quarter 4, Week 5

Mid-Quarter grades will be submitted on Monday, April 22.  Please check Edline after that date to see your current grade.
Monday, April 22
  1. Do Now: Quiz #28- ess, et/ette, fic, ful, fy, hood, ic
  2. Then: Review Short Story requirements and due-dates (listed in classroom)
  3. After: Review Plot (click here for graphic organizer)
Tuesday, April 23 Plan Testing
  1. Plan testing all morning- report to Advisory class at 7:50
  2. Assembly after lunch- report to gym after lunch bell
Thursday, April 25
  1. Do Now: Why does Vonnegut use time/space shifting in Slaughterhouse Five?
  2. Then: Timed writing assignment on worldviews in Slaughterhouse Five (I will be checking plotlines and character cards during the writing session)
  • Prompt: Analyze how Vonnegut exploits the 'blindness' in the British, American, Nazi and Tralfamadorian worldviews to maintain his ironic tone throughout the story. (30 minutes)
  1. After: Reminder to begin drafting Short Story
  2. Finish: Reminder of important due-dates