Monday, April 29, 2013

Quarter 4, Week 6

Monday, April 29
  1. Do Now: Quiz #29: ice, id/ide, lie/ly, ine, ion/sion/tion, ish, ism
  2. Then: Read "Short Story Writing Tip #5" document
  3. After: Respond in your journal about how this tip can help you improve your short story.
  4. Next: Focusing on Flashback, plot, inference in Halo: Homecomming
  5. During: draw plotline and identify as many parts of the short story as possible
  6. Time-permitting: rough draft writing
  • Complete rough draft of SS by class tomorrow
  • Complete S5 activity by Friday, May 3 (Thursday, May 2 if performance activity)
Tuesday, April 30
  1. Do Now: Reading about dialogue to improve the writing of dialogue in your short story
  2. Next: Peer Editing for short story elements
  3. After: Dialogue/Monologue workshop
  • Begin typed draft of short story
  • Finish S5 activity by Friday, May 3(Thursday, May 2 if performance activity)
Thursday, May 2
  1. Do Now: Exploring boundaries in Slaughterhouse Five (30 minute timed-writing on one of the following topics)
    • Discuss Vonnegut's use of light and darkness in at least three scenes in Slaughterhouse Five.  What inferences can be made about character, action, theme, and author's intent from scenes of light and scenes of darkness?
    • Discuss the ways in which Vonnegut has used elements of science fiction to highlight the ills of modern society and the perils of warfare.
    • Discuss types of humor Vonnegut uses to highlight serious modern issues.  Support your assertions by referring to several scenes and characters and analyzing their relevance to serious humor.
    • Discuss the novel's use of repetitions of words and images and its effect on the reader.
  2. Then: S5 performances (if necessary)
  3. After: Check-out The Illustrated Man or Lord of the Flies
  4. Next: Writing workshop
  • Typed draft of short story due next week
  • Begin gathering materials for portfolio (see side-bar for checklist)
  • Those who signed-up for independent reading may complete the activity for extra credit and turn in on or before May 17.
  • The last day for late work will be May 17.
  • Portfolios are due by May 16-17 in class
  • End of Course exam will take place during the last week of school.