Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday, March 29

  1. 3rd Quarter Cumulative Test
  1. Study for Quiz #23, Unit 6
  2. Research Paper Due to Science Teacher by Thurs./Fri.
Questions to think about while reading Fahrenheit 451 for next class:
  1. Why is the line "Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine." significant?  What does it say about a future without books?
  2. Compare and contrast Mildred and Clarisse?  How is each representative of a stereotype?
  3. What is the literary arguement about in Beatty's dream?  Why is this significant?
  4. Why are the hound and helicopter in pursuit of Montag?
  5. What is the significance of Montag's meeting with the old men?  What do they represent?
  6. (If you've reached this point) Consider the symbolism of the phoenix.  Compare and contrast the symbolism of the salamander and the phoenix.