Sunday, February 3, 2013

Quarter 3, Week 6

Monday, February 4
  1. Do Now: Quiz #20- dia, dis/dif, dys, extra/o, hemi/demi/semi, hyper, hypo
  2. After: Pass-back graded work
  3. Time-permitting: Journal reflecting on research progress (Where are you in the process versus where you should be?  Could you write an introductory paragraph right now?)
  • Use this graphic organizer to write and introductory paragraph and keep in the English Class section of your binder
  • Bring all research materials to class each day for the rest of the quarter
Tuesday, February 5
  1. Do Now: Journal Entry
  2. Then: Using the slideshow to outline your research paper (see page 9 of the packet)
  3. After: Using the 'speaker notes' option for In Text Citation
  4. Next: Continue researching with Google Scholar or EBSCO (next Annotated Bibliography check during Thursday/Friday class)
Thursday, February 7
  1. Do Now: Research Mid-term test and Journal Response (Write the number, question and answer for each wrong answer.  Then, explain why the correct answer is correct.)
  2. Then: Presentation Slideshow Workshop
  3. After/During: Check for understanding (Annotated Bibliography due with at least three sources)
  4. Next: In-Text Citation activity (pages 14-28 of this slideshow)

Reminder: Enrichment activities, commonly known as 'extra credit', are available each week. Please see the sidebar of this website and the classroom for additional enrichment activities as they become available.